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S2: E2: Eva Survivor Story

A 2016 study by the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) found that four in five Indigenous women, 84%, have experienced violence in their lifetime- Over 56.% percent have experienced some type of sexual violence. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the murder rate for Native women living on reservations is 10 times higher than the national average and is the 3rd leading case of death for native and indigenous women in the United States. like most women this type of violence often comes from the hands of a person known to the victim. Indigenous women are extremely vulnerable just by being who they are, and are no strangers to becoming victims of human trafficking. One native girl out of New Mexico who was plagued with generational trauma and disadvantaged from birth, fell victim to human trafficking at an age when many of us are closing that door on our childhood and entering into a young adolescent life. Why are so many women from indigenous tribes going missing, being murdered, and falling victim to human trafficking? Tonight we will explore the case of this young girl from a Navajo tribe who was victimized repeatedly, interacted with multiple law enforcement agencies, medical and health care professionals, or mandated reporters throughout several years of exploitation, and not once was she ever Identified as a person who was the victim of human trafficking.

We give Eva the Last Word.



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