The NET a non profit based in Fort Worth Texas works with local agencies and survivors to end human trafficking. Through several different programs, the NET, offers survivors the chance to find their worth, love, and acceptance, while providing opportunities for the community to get involved and volunteer.
One of their programs offered by the NET is an outreach program where other survivors and volunteers form relationships with women who are in the county jail for prostitution. Partnering with the Fort Worth Police Department, the NET educates the officers on identifying potential trafficking victims and ensuring they are aware of the programs available for these survivors.
The NET realizes the demand for objectification and purchasing women and child is real. Through their 'MASE' (Men Against Sexual Exploitation) program they education and provide men with the knowledge to change the narrative around this culture. You can learn more on MASE and the work they preform over at their website.
Know What It Is:
Human trafficking requires the use of all or one of the following to secure any type of labor or commercial sex act – FORCE, FRAUD, or COERCION!
If you or someone you know is being trafficked we encourage you to contact the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1 (888) 373-7888.